Why your network will be breached

If you think your network is safe from being breached, unfortunately you’re wrong. Despite the qualified people you’ve hired and all the money you spend per month on various hardware, software, services, etc. your employees have to be constantly vigilant and never make a mistake. In the zero chance that happens, your organization is still…

Network segmentation: It’s time to break up your network

Breaking up your computer network, or more technically called network segmentation, can help improve the speed and efficiency of your network, allow for easier management of your network, and greatly increase the security and risk posture of your organization. Be careful though because if not managed properly, breaking up your network can inadvertently introduce security…

Using public WiFi safely

If avoidable, do not conduct sensitive business over a public WiFi connection, even if the data is encrypted. If you do need to, and your mobile device has a cellular data connection (e.g. 4G or 5G network), use that instead. Or simply wait until you are connected to a trusted network at home or work.…

Do I have a firewall? Do I need a firewall?

Very likely yes. Ideally yes. Chances are very good that you’ve at least heard of a firewall.  But just like any other product in the information security industry, why exactly would you want a firewall and what does it provide you?  First lets examine what a firewall does.  A firewall selectively filters traffic between networks. …

Why you should encrypt your data

Because extra security never hurt your data. Have you ever gone to the mall or some other area that has a large parking lot, and when done shopping you couldn’t quite remember where you parked your vehicle?  While it may be frustrating to wander around until you find your vehicle, at least you found it,…